Long story short, Ben & I navigated our way through a long-distance courtship and relationship for nearly a year from the first time we spoke. He asked me to move to the East Coast to live with him, and after putting into place some important boundaries for myself, I agreed with pleasure.
I enjoy allowing him to lead us, and am also willing to initiate conversations if I find myself questioning our progress. The magic happens best when I voice my feelings along with quantifiable goals and then I shut-up. Like planting a seed in the soil, it may or may not sprout, but it will certainly not sprout if I keep digging it up to check on it.
The topic of starting a family was one of those seeds. One magical day, Ben came to me of his own accord and shared with me his plan for us to get to work on Mission #MakeMeAMommy. It included a few steps and deadlines (which I love!).
Spending Thanksgiving 2019 visiting friends in North Carolina, shortly after applying for our Virginia drivers licenses.
Step 1: Establish residency in our new home state of choice, Virginia, before the end of 2019.
Step 2: Set up health insurance in Virginia effective starting early 2020, ready for whenever we would next be back in Virginia from Connecticut during a break from Ben’s work.
Step 3: I would schedule a well-woman’s exam shortly after coverage began to make sure I was good-to-go on getting pregnant.
Step 4: #MakeMeAMommy!!! Responsibly.
I was over the moon excited that my man had a plan. Hot!